Murray Cod Trivia

For anglers who are looking to catch Murray Cod

We started releasing Murray Cod last year, and we will explain their patterns and trends, as well as the characteristics of the fish after they were released in this area last year.

Immediately after release, they have been known to react strongly to conspicuous objects such as spinner baits,

but we have also seen them preying on crustaceans such as shrimp and small bass that live in the pond every day, as well as on baitfish released in this area every day.

As time passes after release, we have seen
them reacting to more and more lures.

They also make a great predatory sound
as they react to top waters

and big baits, and after some time has passed since they were released, their natural instincts seem to come out more strongly.

After a trial release last year, we started full-scale release this year, and the fish population is now quite dense. We will continue to release them regularly, so we expect the probability of seeing Murray Cod to increase.

I think we can expect the game to become even more interesting in the future.

Immediately after release → Reaction

As time passes after release →
The game becomes more interesting with more tricks up your sleeve!

Another characteristic is that Murray cod are preyed on more times than bass and stripers.

I hope this information is helpful for anglers who are targeting Murray cod in this area.